Community Over Competition With Rosie The Realtor

Episode 153 | Community Over Competition With Rosie The Realtor

In the competitive real estate market, it's easy to succumb to scarcity thinking, constantly comparing yourself to others. But what if success isn't found in competition, but in camaraderie and community? Our conversation this week delves into this idea with Rosie Choromanski, otherwise known as Rosie the Realtor.

We met Rosie through her Instagram page, and took our online relationship and turned it into a real life friendship. In spite of being at different brokerages we were able to collaborate and form a great working relationship as well. Rosie is a refreshing and authentic presence on social media, and we love that she uses her platform to spread positivity. In this conversation Rosie opens up about her life beyond selling houses. She talks about her passion for DIY projects, her love for her home, and her exciting new venture into writing a children's book. This is an uplifting conversation, and we can’t wait to share it with you. Let’s dive in!